Blog Articles The benefits of walking

The benefits of walking

June 1st, 2021 No comments
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Walking is one of the easiest ways to increase your calories burnt for the day. Here are some of the main benefits.

1- Mindfulness

2- Burns calories

3- Improves balance

4- Reduces risk of diseases including heart disease and stroke.

5- Boosts immune function

6- Improves joints

7- Reduces stress

8- Helps maintain strong bones

9- Lowers blood pressure

10- Can help to reduce symptoms of Anxiety and Depression.

Plus many other benefits! Walking is also low impact which means you’re less likely to sustain an injury and it’s widely accessible to a lot of the population. You don’t need equipment or much space at all. Not only is it good for you physically but it’s good for you mentally and it allows you to clear your head and unwind. It sounds like something we should all know by now but so many of us struggle to get our daily steps in especially during lockdown. We are all surrounded by some beautiful places so please get out there and do some exploring, listen to nature or pop on an audiobook and immerse yourself for a little while, trust us you’ll feel better for it! After all there’s a reason so many of us have daily step goals and getting your daily steps up is recognized worldwide. Get out there and see the benefits for yourself! – My Online Fitness Team.